There are different types of residence permits in Turkey. These permissions are generally as follows. Short-Term Residence Permit Arrangements have been made under the Foreigners Law for those who want to stay in Turkey for a short time. According to this regulation, the conditions of a short-term residence permit are determined in accordance with Articles 28 and 29. Short-term residence permits are issued to people who meet certain conditions. After obtaining a short-term residence permit, the original entry and exit restrictions for foreigners are canceled. Abolition of the provision on the cancellation of short-term residence permits for those who stay outside Turkey for 90 days, granting more freedom to short-term residence permit holders.
Tourist Residence Permit A tourist residence permit is a permit document issued by the official authorities of the state in a specific region for foreign nationals to be able to provide residence. The tourist residence permit issued in Turkey for different periods aims to enable tourists visiting Turkey to move more comfortably. The authorized institution in the State of the Republic of Turkey for residence permits is the “General Directorate of Migration Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.” For a foreigner entering Turkey to become a fugitive and not to be deported, it is an obligation legislated by the laws of the Republic of Turkey that he has applied for a residence permit within 30 days based on the description the tourist entered the country’s borders. In case of non-compliance with this obligation, the deportation of foreign persons becomes inevitable.
Long-Term Residence Permit A long-term residence permit is granted to those who have lived in Turkey for eight uninterrupted years. In addition, it may be granted to foreigners who have not received social assistance in the last three years, have an adequate and regular source of livelihood and valid health insurance, do not pose a threat to public order and security, and except for foreigners whom the migration policy Board deems appropriate. Considering the conditions listed above, every foreign citizen who thinks that he/she meets the necessary conditions can apply for a long-term residence permit.
How to Get a Residence Permit? A residence permit can be explained as a permit that foreign citizens from abroad apply for certain periods and that allows them to continue their lives without experiencing a problem during the residence period. Although the residence permit is issued by the relevant ministry of each country according to certain conditions, the applications can be quite intense according to the residence permit request to the country. The residence permit appointment system is a system that will be used by people who have not yet applied for a residence permit and do not have a document number to use the residence permit inquiry system. People who will apply with this system make an appointment to apply after preparing the application documents. People who make their application through the appointment process wait for the application result within 1 month.
If you want to get help about residence permit contact us and feel the expectancies of Bi Group International!